Being on the same page with your partner is one of the most important aspects of any romantic relationship. What kind of family you want to create, financially, spiritually, and intellectually, should be aspects to consider when getting involved with a significant other. Many people believe that what is most important is someone’s heart (and we totally agree!). Still, sometimes, a lack of education and common sense can prematurely end any blossoming feelings of love. Here we have collected some of the funniest stories of relationship red flags and educational gaps in relationships to share with you. Spoiler alert: they are deal-breakers!
American with an accent
A few days ago, Reddit user xQueenAryaStark shared the following story with the online community: “I said that I was interested in learning to speak another language and probably Italian. He scoffed and said, “Why would you learn Italian? That is EASY!”
Very confused, I said, “What? And he said, “Italian is just American with an accent!” (Yes, he called it “American,” not English.) Apparently, he thought that an Italian ACCENT was the actual language! He was really mad at me for laughing at him, but how could I not?”