Lights, Camera, Fail: These Are the Funniest and Most Cringe Award Show Moments In History

Every award show aims to celebrate the outstanding artistry of actresses, directors, and all other professionals involved in making a successful movie. Sometimes, these award shows offer us more than we bargained for by including memorable events that can be happy, sad, or cringe. This article highlights some of the funniest moments from award shows over the past few years. 

The Slap: Will Smith and Chris Rock’s Altercation 

One of the funniest moments in any award show happened at the 94th Academy Awards, which took place on March 27, 2022. Surprisingly, the two parties involved are America’s top stars: Chris Rock and Will Smith

Rock riled up Smith when he made fun of his wife’s bald head and his strained relationship with Jada. Will was visibly upset and walked onstage to slap Chris, mouthing the phrase, “Keep my wife’s name outta your mouth.”

America’s Top Stars Clash

America’s top music stars are known for their music and iconic moments, and an honorable mention is that involving Kanye West, Taylor Swift, and Beyonce. Taylor went on stage to collect her award for Best Female Video, but what happened next shocked us all. 

Courtesy: Toledo Blade 

While she was expressing her gratitude, Kanye West went onstage and grabbed the microphone, saying, “I’mma let you finish, but Beyoncé had one of the best videos of all time.” His interjection led to a widespread controversy as the audience booed him off the stage. 

Jennifer Lawrence trips

Everyone experiences awkwardness, but only a few of these awkward moments get televised on live TV. In 2013, Jennifer Lawrence gained the attention of many as she tripped on her way to the stage to accept the award for Best Actress.

Courtesy: YouTube 

Lawrence, known for her humble and down-to-earth personality, joked about her fumble in interviews. Her attitude towards this embarrassing event transformed it into a lighthearted one that has been referenced as a notable moment in the history of Award shows worldwide. 

Steve Harvey announces the wrong Miss Universe 

Another memorable event worthy of mention was Steve Harvey’s wrong announcement in 2015. During the live TV broadcast of the Miss Universe pageant, Steve mistakenly announced Miss Colombia, Ariadna Gutiérrez, as the winner of Miss Universe.

Courtesy: WC-VB TV

Meanwhile, the real winner was Miss Philippines, Pia Wurtzbach. In an interview, Steve confessed that the mixup occurred due to an error on the cue card. His simple mistake created a moment of shock and disbelief in the audience as TV reporters were quick to capture the various facial reactions.

La La Land/Moonlight mix-up at the 2017 Oscars

The Oscar Award show has once again given us another iconic moment to remember: the mix-up between “La La Land” and “Moonlight.” In 2017, Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway got confused due to the wrong cue card. 

The presenters announced “La La Land” as the Best Picture award winner instead of “Moonlight.” The cast of La La Land flooded the stage in happiness, only to be told the award was for Moonlight. This became a defining moment as the audience requested immediate scrutinization.

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