Achoo! Laugh Along With These Hilarious Allergy Memes for Enemies Of Pollen

We’re thrilled the weather is warming up, and beautiful flowers are beginning to bloom, but the allergy part is where we take issue. As the plants around us begin to pollinate, seasonal allergies to pollen kick in, and most people start to itch and sneeze. Before you take those allergy pills to knock yourself out again, you should laugh about these allergy memes. Here are five of them!

It’s more serious than it seems

You never know how difficult a situation is until you’re in that exact situation; this ‘allergy season’ is proof of that. While many people are battling allergies, some wonder what the big deal is. 

Courtesy: Reddit

This meme is a perfect depiction of how serious the immune system gets when pollen grains begin to fly around. The body system tries to ‘wage war’ against the tiny grains– just that the grains win every time.

A very smart approach

While some people complain that allergy pills don’t have any effect on their allergies, most people agree that they work by knocking them out. So our question is, is that really a solution?

Courtesy: Memedroid

It’s not that we’re complaining or anything, but doesn’t that sound like fraud? You notice that your allergies are setting in, and you use pills so you won’t have to be stuck at home all day- only to sleep off minutes later! The only job these pills do is save your homies from your sneezing noises.

Putting in all the work

Spring isn’t a stressful season; everything is warm and cozy- but there is an exception. During this warm season, some parts of your body do extra work just because they have to, e.g. your nose.

Courtesy: Someecards 

This funny meme couldn’t be more apt. While people with seasonal allergies can’t run around due to pollen in the air, their noses are doing all the work. It’s always ‘running’, 24 hours a day.

What were we so excited about?

Before spring, we all pray to the powers that be for the chilly winds to be over. Then, our desires are eventually granted with the onset of spring- and, at first, we’re all jumping around in excitement. 

Courtesy: Memedroid

Then, without any pause, seasonal allergies begin to kick in, making us ask ourselves why we were so excited about spring in the first place. Well, at least the weather is warm enough to enjoy Netflix and chill indoors.

Getting physical would have been better

Although we sometimes run from problems, we all know that facing them is our best chance at eradicating them completely. In the same vein, this tweeter’s wish makes total sense—if only it could happen.

Courtesy: Twitter

Imagine seeing your allergies in real, physical form; wouldn’t you fight it with everything you’ve got? But then, the scary part is- what if your ‘physical’ allergy still wins the fight? Then, you’ll be in seasonal servitude for the rest of your life. 

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