Since 1979, the show “Antique Roadshow” has never ceased to intrigue us with items of historical significance. From vintage paintings to old records, most of the items that show up are always captivating. However, some of these vintage items were downright odd- and the prices they were valued at were even more shocking. Here are five of these bizarre items on the show.
Grieving Bear
Teddy bears come in different forms and sizes, but most of them are always adorable and fluffy for cuddling with. However, calling the black ‘grieving’ teddy bear that showed up on the show unaesthetic would be an understatement.
Courtesy: Twitter
Forget about the unusual color of the teddy; it looked like it could make a baby cry. Surprisingly, the teddy bear, which was part of a limited edition produced as a memorial to the Titanic victims, was valued at £200,000. Well, there’s some good luck for keeping such a creepy doll for years.
Grotesque Pebble
Of course, the experts on the show have seen several weird objects, but even they get bewildered when they see some items. This carved pebble is one of those undeniably bizarre items.
Courtesy: Daily Express
The guest found the item when the back of his house was being excavated; the carved pebble looked like an alien. Specialist Marc Allum refused to value the object, although he later said he couldn’t identify what it was. But we wouldn’t be surprised if he was scared.
Royal Wedding Cake
It’s common for us to take an item home as a souvenir when we attend a hyped event. Well, this guest had such a souvenir- just that it was a slice of cake from Queen Elizabeth II’s 1947 wedding.
Courtesy: BBC
The decaying cake, which already had mummified raisins, was 70 years old at the time- and the original decorations were still intact. The guest said her grandfather had served as a Guard of Honor; then, his wife decided to make the cake slice a keepsake. Well, it was valued at £1,000.
Fake Teeth
Expert John Foster was especially glad to lay his hands on a rare variety of fake teeth that probably belonged to a very wealthy toothless owner. So, where did the guest get the false teeth from?
Courtesy: BBC
The guest said his father found the teeth at the bottom of a junk box he bought at a trunk fair. Made of a gold plate and porcelain, the fake teeth were valued between £2,000 and £2,500. We really should start taking trunk fairs more seriously.
Criminal Monopoly Board
Everyone was surprised when the curator of the Thames Valley Police Museum brought a dirty Monopoly board to the show. Little did we know the board was a piece of evidence in the infamous Great Train Robbery trial.
Courtesy: BBC
The robbers allegedly played the board game while hiding out, but instead of Monopoly money, they used real money. Apparently, they mistakenly left the game behind. The board was valued between £100 and £200 because making money from a crime didn’t ‘feel right.’