You’d Be Amazed to Know That These Famous Lines Were Improvised Right on the Spot

Actors don’t always stick to their scripts. Sometimes, they get so into character that they improvise and create lines that seem out of sorts but actually fit the scene. In this post, we’re talking about those improvised lines that ended up being famous for how hilarious they were. Here are five funny lines that you didn’t know were made up on the spot.

“Sweet baby Jesus and the grown one too”

You’ve probably yelled this exclamation or heard someone use the line. Sheryl Lee Ralph used the line on the popular show “Abbott Elementary.” We find it so impressive that she coined the quote on the spot.

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If you’re a fan of “Abbott Elementary,” you’ll agree that the story was perfectly written. This makes us applaud Sheryl’s sense of humor even more. Her improvised line fit right into the script and makes the show even more iconic.

“If you vote me, I’m hot”

Although we can’t remember the whole speech that Charlie wrote in “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia,” we remember this particular funny line. In the scene, Dennis reads a speech written by Charlie. Well, Charlie didn’t write it.

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Charlie explained on their podcast that a crew member just scribbled some nonsensical stuff on paper. Dennis, played by Glenn Howerton, improvised the rest of the speech himself. To think that he coined lines meant for another character is amazing!

“Gotta fix that step”

We all have one small task that we keep postponing till God-knows-when despite many reminders. That’s what makes Phil Dunphy’s improvised line in “Modern Family” so funny and relatable. He wasn’t supposed to say that, according to the script.

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Well, we all are glad he said it. Throughout the eleven seasons of the TV show, other characters used the line on different occasions. Funny enough, the ‘step’ wasn’t fixed until the last season. They probably left it for the line to remain valid.

“Network connectivity issues”

This popular line came from Andy in “Parks and Recreation.” While it’s not new for actors to improvise lines that make us laugh, random lines that fit into the situation in the scene deserve special applause.

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Andy made this joke when he tried looking up Leslie’s symptoms online as she was under the weather. He said that she may be having network connectivity issues, making it sound like that was her health issue. 

“Got me cookie, gave you cookie”

This list wouldn’t be complete without this line from one of our favorite comedy shows, “New Girl.” In the scene, Schmidt buys Nick a cookie, launching him into a state of emotional confusion.  

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It’s even funnier to know that Nick improvised the hilarious line right on the spot. Nick apparently got into character as the inexpressive friend who was overwhelmed with emotions. This ‘nonsensical’ line is one of the most famous quotes from the show. 

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