If you are a fan of cartoons and comics, you might have often fantasized about living in the worlds or homes of your favorite characters. But did you know that our favorite cartoons have inspired some real houses? Yes, you read that correctly: some of these cartoon houses do exist. The home of The Simpsons? Yep. The Flintstones‘ home? It is as real as you and me. So, check out these real-life houses that look like they have jumped right out of your favorite show!

Some Disney and Pixar theories simply blow our minds (Did you know Frozen, Tangled, and The Little Mermaid are all linked? OMG). This one is more of an it-was-all-a-dream, whatever-happens-on-Lost type of thing. But if you want a gut punch in the feels, keep reading.

Well, apparently, Carl is dead. He died at the start of the film, and everything that follows is his journey to heaven. When did he pass away? The night after the court orders him to leave his home and move to a retirement home. Wow.