Memes To Send To Workmates: Pass The Hours With These Relatable Work Memes

There are general memes that almost everyone can relate to, and some are particularly valid in a situation or condition. Work memes are a part of the latter category; as the name suggests, they are memes that talk about specific happenings at work. You know the kind you send to your work wife instead of actually working. Here are five funny memes to send to your coworker!

I’m just nice; I don’t like you.

It’s pretty pointless to be rude or mean at work. It’s not about putting on a fake mask or some facade- it’s just normal. Work relationships aren’t that deep, but your coworkers might not see it that way.

Courtesy: Twitter/SoonSun

Your colleague may feel like you have a thing for them. Your polite smiles, gentle responses, and amiable character might appear affectionate or loving to a coworker. In such a situation, you have to make things clear to them.

It’s like alarm clocks are harbingers of bad news

Come to think of it, why does nobody say something good about alarms? The answer is simple – they are bad news. When an alarm sounds, it signals it’s time to leave the comfort of your bed.

The automatic response is to hit the snooze button. However, something worse happens when you’ve done that too many times. It means you have less time to get ready. Whether or not your alarm sounds, you’ll have a not-so-pleasant decision to make. 

Something about work ethics

Different occupations have various work ethics, but the bottom line is to exude professionalism everywhere. These ethics would have been so easy to comply with if they came with immunity to annoying situations. Sadly, it’s a no right there.

Courtesy: Pinterest

You’ll always experience things that make you want to yell or throw something. When this happens, you find yourself struggling to appear calm and collected. Imagining what your colleagues would say if they knew your thoughts could make you laugh.

Oh, the woes of tedious work

Forget about your passion or interest; work will always be work. Regardless of how much you enjoy being a salesperson, there are routine tasks that you’ll always wish you could run away from. The thought of freedom after such tasks can be hilarious.

Courtesy: Pinterest

Aside from the physical stress of doing something you’re tired of, the mental stress can be annoying. You keep thinking of how many hours you’ve spent and how close you are to finishing up but, in reality, you’re probably just starting.

If only they knew…

Think of your first few days at your current company. We’re sure you were excited. Starting a new position, you feel like you’re putting your destiny in place and see everything good about your new workplace.

Courtesy: Pinterest

Then, months later, you discover the modus operandi that didn’t reflect in the company’s mission statement. That’s why you’ll feel like entering a prospective worker’s head when they seem thrilled about the perfect organization. Well, they’ll eventually find out.

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